Himanshu Khona
2 min readJun 27, 2022


God’s Plan

Imagine your morning in a beautiful hill station 2500kms away and same Night in an operation theatre in Mumbai.
Life is so fragile and unpredictable. It was a major heart attack. But God had a different plan, he had decided to save me. He wanted me to see me something and come back. Well, life gives you such a huge kick in your ass sometimes. It leaves you staring at a blank night with no tomorrow.

My life style did not warrant it but it still happened. I was lucky that stars were in my favour on that night and tomorrow still existed for me.

We all have learnings in our life by reading books, talking to someone, personal awareness, upbringing. However when life teaches you something, its really hard and cuts you deep. It brings to life a reality which we miss everyday in our ego. Someday you are gonna be gone and it won’t matter. You are such a tiny bit in extremely large universe. Get over small things quickly and save time.

BTW — What keeps you alive is not yourself but your family was a very big realisation for me. At least for me, my life is for my family, there is no 2nd guess.

It almost seems difficult for me to write out the lessons from this incidence. Words probably don’t convey it. But still, here it goes:

  1. Don’t predict life: A perfect holiday with so many good places, good food, nice travel and the same day you end up in an operation theatre with one of the best doctors operating you. Don’t predict life. Let it turn, you turn with it. You don’t have a choice anyways.
  2. You don’t have as much time as you think you do: Does not mean you got to rush everything. But live from your heart. If it says Yes, Do it and vice versa
  3. Anger: Suppressed or Expressed — Bad in both ways. It burns you and everything around you. Introspect what are you angry about? Start early. This trait is difficult to control later in life.

4. Family First: Always keep your prioritise right. Family First!

5. Love and Compassion: Love always! Be compassionate towards everyone and everything

6. Forgive early and completely: Yourself too!

7. Show up in the darkest hour: You will see your true friends. You better show up in their darkest hour too.

Some practical advises:

  1. Get yourself tested regularly after you cross your 40 (may be earlier).
  2. Rely on your immunity, avoid vaccines.
  3. Have a doctor friend — This helped in my case. My doctor friend told me to immediately take sorbitrate 5mg. This gave me time to reach the hospital.
  4. Keep essential medicines kit with you all the time
  5. Know your nearest hospital with ICU facility. This was a big drawback in our case as we were completely unprepared for such event.
  6. Trust the doctor once chosen completely. I was lucky, I co incidentally found the best one.

God’s Blessing on everyone!



Himanshu Khona

I am a sales guy who started as a technology guy. Love writing my experiences on medium. Great interest in good quality food, food innovations, technology.